
About project

The “new” EU member states are faced more strongly with demographic change and an ageing workface as a result of falling population, due to low birthrates and net emigration. Almost all “new” EU member states raised their retirement age in the past years (later then Western countries) by 2-3 years to over 60 years retirement age in order to increase labour market participation of older workers. At the same time, the early-retirement policies, adopted in the 1990ties to avoid mass redundancies, were abandoned. Job tenure in Eastern countries remained quite high (above the European average of 10 years), while participation in training and lifelong learning activities is low. Globalisation and increasing competition demand more qualified and skilled workforce, who will able to not only adapt to but also to bring forward technological change and innovation.

Before this background, the aim of the project is to analyse the needs and requirements for better and future-oriented skills and knowledge management in the Metal and Electro Industry (MEI) in Slovenia, Latvia, Slovakia and Lithuania. Together with our university partner FHM/Bielefeld (Germany) we will develop tools and methods to support companies (especially SME) in improving their skills and knowledge management and adapting their training programmes and HR strategies to future skill and job needs. The project will include training measures, information and dissemination activities for companies. The project shall also address how social partners can contribute to better management of skills and knowledge and provide input for the European debate.




  • Anticipation, preparation and management of change in the metal and electro industry focusing on skill and job needs
  • Improving companies’ skills and knowledge management in an ageing society

 Expected Outcomes:

-Increased awareness of the need for effective skills and knowledge management among SME in MEI and the tools and methods available

-Better management of skills and knowledge in SME in the participating new member states, oriented to future skill and job needs

-Improved working conditions, better employability and productivity of workers in this sector, thus securing existing jobs

-Improved capacity of social partners to support companies in anticipating, preparing for and managing industrial and demographical change

-Stronger cooperation of social partners on national and European level

-Quality input on management of change for the European debate